y’all have to log off
this forum is provided to discuss games. the atmosphere is generally nice. this is not a primary school recreation yard.
stop the useless comments and insults, discuss game.

@zep the ability to ban users from a thread would be real nice since some people have counter-acted that by making new accounts. And it'd just be nice to ban those who are spamming/insulting/arguing for no reason. Either that or this thread should just be locked for good (not the route i'd like to go but it seems like it might be necessary at this point)

I saw a sprite for Lord X and it reminded me of how large pico-8 really is! Once again, Triple Trouble is possible if each part is made into a seperate cart, making 6 carts total for each one!

wouldn't you only have to make 4? y'know like 1 for each character?

i had to get out my chair to do the last part

For now I've added a locking/unlocking checkbox available to thread owners. I also agree it's a pity but can't see this thread turning around even with ongoing whac-a-mole moderation.

Thank you @zep, I've decided to lock this thread indefinitely.
If you wish to continue discussing PICO NIGHT PUNKIN' I suggest joining the unofficial discord (but be advised that the content in the discord is likely going to be far less moderated than it is here)
If you are creating a PICO NIGHT PUNKIN' mod, feel free to create your your thread on the lexaloffle forum and send it to me through twitter if you wish for me to see it.
I'm sorry that this is the way that it has to be, but I don't want these comments to linger on a page for one of my largest PICO-8 games. Thank you to everyone in the community who has stuck around this long, your ongoing support means a lot :)
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