I’m back from a day ago, and now I have the highest score on this chat.

U sure? I just now got my account and I've been dying to put down this score:

but with that said: I am the one with the highest score

And one more thing:
If this game DID get a sequel, I think a great name would be:
Just One Boss... ACT TWO!

This game is so clever and well-designed. I love the animations that play between each round and the mirror magician's expressions. I've only completed the game in normal mode so far, but I love how in hard mode, the attacks aren't just faster, but also introduce extra challenges (I especially like avoiding the red roses and then the dark red roses). The different-colored alternate magicians also add extra visual appeal. Wonderful game!

Yes, I did do normal mode without taking a hit. Theoretically, you can’t beat this score without doing hard mode damageless.

This was the first pico 8 game i ever played and it’s absolutely AMAZING!

I humbly declare myself 2nd place
Congrats Christopher Matichuck!

Also you actually can defeat hard mode untouched
I did it so you can too!
Just keep practicing

Awesome job on this game! Huge fan of everything about this, from the music to the visuals to the gameplay. Keep up the amazing work!
(Also, might have made a sorta fan art for the game :P)

@Christopher_Matichuk you score is also based on how fast you are, check out speedrun.com 's just one boss page if you're interested in score% and other speedrunning categories!

If u guys complain about the difficulty, here's how to fix the problem:

I see your score
and I raise you 5500 points (from the prologue the first time you play the game) and 55 seconds

First Pico-8 game I ever played (it was and still is on coolmathgames) and it's what started me liking Pico-8 games.

Where is the bit of code for the clone of the player I wanna change its color to be blue

Hey, this is really great! Now, I didn't beat it on my first play just now, so I guess I can't say it's too easy, however, that great music made me bob my character around on beat right from the start. Sometimes I guess I got hit because of it, and thus I thought it would be a great idea for a hard mode or something: Basically the same game, only you HAVE to move on the beat, otherwise you get some kind of penalty (maybe not one of the hearts, that might be too harsh - maybe some other gauge that takes 5 or 10 misses until it kills a heart or something). Just an idea - either way, great lil game! :)

What a great game, but I think I've already seen it and downloaded it to try it out, I think I downloaded it from https://guaumod.io/

I used to play this game in first grade with my friends so many memories.
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