@CarsonK what about my question? your the creator right? you would give the only information i can find on the internet.
@griffmanhe2nd please dont go

this thread has become cancer, ever since game guy started talking, along with the other kids here

lmfao actually stfu, you're literally the reason this forum became NOTHING but comments, especially with your repetitive meme posting, ugh

@gameguy123 also, you're telling ME to stop hurting others' feelings yet YOU think it's ok to say "who asked" when someone said they fc'd split ex in pnp? that's VERY hypocritical, actually fuck you

Stop fighting, it's like two fucking kids fighting over a piece of candy!

I thought I would break the chain of comments and no mods.
I saw a bunch of comments that were super random and saw people were leaving. So to keep you guys entertained, I uploaded a PNP mod.
Controls for Left Side
Controls for Right Side
Summary of The Mod
It is Pico, but 8 keys and you play on both sides.
The Mod
Don't select the "test" option, WIP

I'm sorry this comment section has been nothing but comments, high-quality mods take months to make. I'll start making small PNP mods so this community doesn't go insane.
No requests because I had mental breakdown while doing your requests.
Edit 2: I apologize for being a little rude the past months, I am not a good music creator and I gave up on making the music for the mod.

Response to gameguy123: I guess, yeah. The mod can be turned into a co-op Rhythm game
Response to one of gameguy123 comments: You can find information on Pico-8 on the Resources tab and in the Pico-8 API. This forum isn't the place to ask stuff about Pico-8 functions.
Response to paulo_gamer: I understand your frustration. While the other mods are being made, I hope the small mods I will be making will keep you entertained.

I should mention you can actually change the controls in the 8 key *mod by pressing the left and right arrows keys while the test option is selected.
The test option is to change the controls

i am very sorry for making many pages of only comments. i will try to even out my commenting time and mod making time. i would just like to thank @evman2k for saving us from the comment abyss i have made.

I ask that everyone PLEASE stop spamming comments unless they contain useful information or modded content. If you have questions about modding PICO NIGHT PUNKIN' please look up tutorials for PICO-8 :)
by: @CarsonK
pliase @gameguy123 stop spamming comment

but everytime i look it up it only shows the game and no help.
also a mod just released about an hour ago

demo of endgame tutorial
use erui & dfjk

YEEESSS. Finally!
I wonder what the finished end of the song will be like

i will emphasize that it is a demo
its not finished yet
and controls are erui & dfjk

ok, but i also dont understand what the endgame tutorial could you tell me?

you wont know until both ??????? and endgame tutorial come out
there will be a few cutscenes explaining it

wait quick question
how do i invest in dcmonalds mappy heals

i'm going to shut my mouth before we accidentally create another 5 pages of comments
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