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#2: just jammin'

The quality of work in this jam was so high! This episode is a bit long, but that's not going to happen very often. We just thought every game warranted a discussion. The work ranges from old pros to first time developers, and really shows the talent and enthusiasm of the Pico-8 community.

Please let me know if you have any feedback, or if you'd like to join me for a future episode!



Really enjoy these chats! =)
Look forward to more!

Great! You should submit this to iTunes. Here's how:


@matt, it's already there (and on Google play) pico chat by electro bureau

oh nice! in that case there should be an iTunes subscribe button on your website :) would have saved me a few presses.

Thanks for speaking so highly of me. :D

Somehow the download link doesnt work... and I don't have iTunes. :(

@johnnyri direct link is: https://storage.googleapis.com/pico-chat.appspot.com/2justjammin.mp3

@tonedef really enjoyed this! i'm surprised you guys have never played Pang before given that there are at least 6 games in the series. I'm currently working with Johan Vinet (who did the player sprite as you correctly said) on new background art and player sprites. I'll also spend some time balancing the game.

@matt thanks for the link, but that's the one not working.

That's the error message...

The App Engine application does not have enough quota.
NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA: App s~pico-chat does not have enough quota

@matt I'll look them up! I hadn't ever heard of the series!

@johnnyri sorry for the technical difficulties, but everything should be working now.

I think the storage download quota is exhausted for the moment. Will try tomorrow.

Another fine episode, can't wait for more.

I really like the musical interludes, I am usually playing without sound, but those interludes made me change my habits whenever I can :)

@tonedef - I'm glad you liked the art in The Career of Peter! It was a technical feat with only bytes left in the cart at the end, and the artist did an amazing job with what we had.

If you have other questions, you can always ask me (or better yet on twitter @josefnpat)

@johnnyri I stopped being cheap and increased my bandwidth :) it should be fine now.

@Level27Geek I love pico-8 music! I wish I were half as talented as the people here. The music to "the slow and the curious" is incredible- I recorded it and added it to my library :)

This is lovely. Your enthusiasm and generosity are a gift to the community. Thanks so much for this.

Great episode, so cool that there's a highlight show for Pico8. You could do a "New Games this Month" episode every month and that would be awesome. Bravo.

@tonedef: You were right about SPC, the original idea was 3 mini games that bring the pixel from accelerating to colliding with other pixel on the 3rd game, unfortunately I lack of time and quickly made and release the first mini one with really basic graphics :(

Awesome episode!
I love this podcast. Looking forward to the next one :)

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