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Cart #16045 | 2015-10-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Minesweeper! Features multiple difficulty levels and amazing sound effects. Released under the zlib/libpng license.

Arrows transport cursor and navigate menu
Z reveal tiles or activate menu options, menu opened when tiles not revealed
X flag tiles for knowledge


This is so lovely and a brilliant port!

Nice :D
My only complaint is the number 4 looks like 1. I also suggest making it so that when you click a number surrounded by its exact number of flags, it opens the remaining tiles around it (like clicking with right and left mouse buttons on windows' minesweeper)

yay! win! that was fun! =)
works nicely!

my only complaint, it's too easy to restart by accident as the menu keeps its place rather than resetting to return after starting a new game.


@jctwood Thank you!

@Diego Can you describe what happens in more detail? I didn't know about this. I think I can add it easily enough.

@impbox Try pressing X to return to your game if you opened the menu accidentally.

@Connorses There is a 50/50 chance that you are fucked. Also I think you've flagged a tile that isn't a mine in the top-right.

Thanks very much for all the feedback!

For example. There is a number 1 and around it 4 undiscovered cells. If I put a flag near this 1 then that means I'm making a statement there are no bombs on any of the 3 remaining cells. The windows version has a command to open all 3 by clicking the number with both mouse buttons at the same time.

Good job, I like that game, except when you have to count probabilies ... One of the reason I prefer Hexcells

Happened to hit a mine on the first move 3 times in a row. 10/10, it's totally real.

I think it is great as it is!

We needed this, thank you very much. Nice job!

Whew... That was intense. Thank you!

Perfect rendition!

Just got to thinking about Minesweeper today, wondered if someone had done it up in PICO 8 yet, and blam, look at this! Really nice work.

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