Small numbers (such as 0.00001) are not sent properly between processes. For example, when process A sends 0.00001 to process B, the process B receives 1.
Instructions how to reproduce:
load #wuguzudofo
and run- hit "z" to create child process and send small number from this process to the parent
- parent process will present 1 instead of 0.00001
Unitron is a testing framework for Picotron. With unitron you can write unit tests and run them directly in Picotron.
More information:
The cart is work in progress, but you can test it today by downloading cart from Github.
Current state of the project:
- API for writing tests (assert_xxx functions) is defined and is working fine
- Test runner is also working fine, but has serveral limitations
- folding tests in test tree not implemented
- no horizontal scrolling of console messages
- rather boring UI (for now ;) )
- Minimal documentation
Here is some demo:

Your feedback is greatly appreciated :)

I wrote Lua require
function based on the include
function found in /system/lib/head.lua:791
This function loads Lua modules similar to standard require found in Lua:
- it loads the file
- executes the file
- returns the module returned by included file
- caches the module, so next call to require will return already loaded module
How to use:
- put the source code of
function in yourmain.lua
function require(name) if _modules == nil then _modules={} end local already_imported = _modules[name] if already_imported ~= nil then return already_imported end local filename = fullpath(name..'.lua') local src = fetch(filename) if (type(src) ~= "string") then notify("could not include "..filename) stop() return end -- -- chunk name (for error reporting), mode ("t" for text only -- no binary chunk loading), _ENV upvalue -- @ is a special character that tells debugger the string is a filename local func,err = load(src, "@"..filename, "t", _ENV) -- syntax error while loading if (not func) then send_message(3, {event="report_error", content = "*syntax error"}) send_message(3, {event="report_error", content = tostr(err)}) stop() return end local module = func() _modules [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=143480#p) |