Hello hello. This is a game I was originally going to write in C++, but a good friend that's very skilled with Pico-8 made the software seem very enticing, so I decided to give scripting with it a shot instead. The concept's based on a thing I did a few times out of boredom some car rides as a kid. Said thing is more or less the first/tutorial mode and I built on the idea some more with the other two.
There's some flyby text explaining how to play when you hover over the modes, but at its core you need to reduce a set of numbers to the single highest possible digit. Left or right lets you position your cursor, and then holding O (or X in Suredux and Sumutex) starts selection mode. Hold left or right during this to highlight a second number then release O/X to add/multiply! There's a few other mechanics sprinkled in there (multiples of 10 are really good for boosting your score, for example), so hopefully it'll be fun to come back and try your hand at improving your speed and high score (feel free to share them). Feedback is both welcome and appreciated!