I made a half working cart about bezier curves and wanted to see what people think about my code, so if you want to pls give feedback
note: you can add points by using the up and down arrow keys then move the points by using the mouse and cycle between them using X and O
--bezier curve time function clone(t)--clone a table return{unpack(t)} end function lerp(s,e,m) return s*(1-m)+e*m end function lerp2d(p1,p2,t)--lerp lx=lerp(p1[1],p2[1],t)--two 2d ly=lerp(p1[2],p2[2],t)--points return lx,ly end poke(0x5f2d,1) --devkit mouse p1={64,64} --first point ptt={ p1} --point table pts=0 --number of desired points ind=1 --index used for selected point t=.5 --time value used across lerps function lerpcheck()--lerp the points po1=lerp2d(ptt[1],ptt[2],t) l=#ptt-2 for i=0,#ptt-1,1 do if(ptt[i+2]~=nil)lx,ly=lerp2d(ptt[i+1],ptt[i+2],t) --lx stands for lerped x [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=116089#p) |