Hunt during the night as the werewolf

Become human at dawn and run away

Don't let the villagers catch you during the day

*Be careful letting the villagers get too close together, you won't be able to hurt them

Reach the cave at the end of the village to escape

The Curse was originally developed during Weekly Game Jam 160, during the summer of 2020. It went unfinished in time for the submission date but our idea felt too neat to leave unfinished.

The moon hangs low from above to illuminate the night and cast shadow to the lands... It's Halloween again, and time for you to visit your neighbors.

This is a version of Breakout adapted from the incredible tutorial from Lazy Devs: Pico-8 Tutorial - Breakout
Trick or Meat
Send your energy to the houses in the neighborhood to earn points and collect candy. Be sure to visit everyone to advance to the next neighborhood.