Stratagem is a match-3 game: its objective is to get as many points as possible by swapping adjacent gems to clear touching groups on the grid. Spend your chances to make wrong non-matching moves wisely; once you run out, it's game over!
- Bit-shift scores down by 16 to increase maximum score value
- Let the player gain 1 chance per level
- Hotfix: reset player combo when leveling up
- Add animations in between game states
- Add mouse controls
- Add better instructions for incrementing release versions
- Split cubic easing into its own function
- Fix UI nitpicks
- Move "level-up" logic elsewhere from idle game state
- Simplify particle animations by using quadratic ease-out
- Hotfix: update label & bump version number
- Player can now move the cursor during gem-matching combos (#32)
- Left-pad score in HUD (#26)
- Fix #34 by separating functions into files (#35)
- Use off-screen printing to calculate text width (#33)
- Use spr instead of sspr for drawing gem grid (#28)
- New animations leveling up, swapping gems, & clearing matches (#14)
- Nerfed overpowered scoring rules (#27)
- Fix #24: rearrange state transitions to act like other Match-3s
- Fix #20: add menu option for resetting leaderboard
- Gem resprite by squaremango
- Fix #18: Bring back pico-tool & update cart building scripts
- Fix #12: add credits screen
View its source code here: