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I'm posting my second pico-8 game here! Note that it's still a work in progress.

This is a revival of a small game that some friends and I have made in 2009 for an assignment, in our first year as undergraduate students. A video of the original version can be found here.

The idea is that the player controls a polygon and has to hit the side of enemy polygons using their (the player's) vertexes, that is, their "tips", while protecting their own sides. The polygon is moved using arrow keys, and rotated using face buttons.

The force of impact plays a role on the damage, and when a side has received enough damage, it is destroyed and the polygon devolves into a polygon with one fewer side. For example, if it were a pentagon, then it becomes a square. However, if it was a triangle, then it's completly destroyed and dies. Damaged sides recover with time.

Edit: here's a gif to illustrate the damage

The game features two modes: single-player and multiplayer. In the single-player mode, it's a coliseum with a few enemy types that display different behaviors and/or physical attributes. In my opinion, as of now, Nemesis is the most balanced enemy. Mutiplayer is a King of the Hill-style game.

Cart #vertexwars-6 | 2024-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

What's next? I still want to balance the existing enemies, add a couple new ones, add some sound effects, and maybe some visual effects for the background during the fights, since I'm heavily underusing the frame budget (if it fits, because I'm very close to the limit of tokens).

I would appreciate any feedback.

Thanks and happy new year!

P#139454 2023-12-31 18:05 ( Edited 2024-01-07 18:26)

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Cart #raquermete-6 | 2023-12-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is my first post here in this forum, and I'm bringing a game with me!

It's yet another clone for Hack*Match, a game made by Zachtronics that first appeared as a minigame inside Exapunks. I'm aware that there are a couple clones here already, but I really love this game, so the more the merrier. Besides, they really do not play identically.

The objective of the game is to make groups with at least four of the same type of blocks to make them disappear.
To that end, you can perform two actions:

  1. Swap the last two blocks in a column
  2. Grab/replace the last block in a column

Bonus points are awarded for addicional blocks after the fourth in a matching group, and for all blocks in combos (groups that are formed after the first matching group disappeared).

This PICO-8 game is a reimplementation of a version that I made for Pokitto (a very-low-spec handheld) a few years back, but with some added visual effects and difficulty selection. I tried to be faithful to some of the mechanics that I like the most in the original Hack*Match game, such as the game freezing after making a group. You can continue to play while the game is frozen, and all blocks in any additional matching group reward bonus points.

I hope you'll like it as much as I do!

Thanks, bye

edit: grammar

P#138756 2023-12-16 00:13 ( Edited 2023-12-16 03:59)