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Cart #particle_editor-0 | 2024-03-20 | Embed ▽ | No License

A small particle editor that I made while learning the Picotron API. It allows you to save particles with the .prt extension. It works like the map, gfx and sfx editors, creating the /ram/cart/particles folder and the /ram/cart/particles/0.prt default file in the current cartridge. The editor does not save the particle logic, so you must copy the particles.lua to your project and call create_emitter by passing the unpoded prt file.

How to install?

To install in the toolbar, create the file /appdata/system/startup.lua and copy the following lines.

create_process("/appdata/system/apps/particles.p64", {argv={"/ram/cart/particles/0.prt"}})


The last line will alias the system open command to your own command in appdata. Copy the code from /system/util/open.lua to /appdata/system/util/open.lua and change the following table.

prog_for_ext =
    lua = "/system/apps/code.p64",
    txt = "/system/apps/notebook.p64",
    pn  = "/system/apps/notebook.p64",
    gfx = "/system/apps/gfx.p64",
    map = "/system/apps/map.p64",
    sfx = "/system/apps/sfx.p64",
    pod = "/system/apps/podtree.p64",
    theme = "/system/apps/themed.p64",
    prt = "/appdata/system/apps/particles.p64"

Now reboot. The program should be in the toolbar and you will be able to open the prt files from the desktop. Have fun!

P#143962 2024-03-20 23:06

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Cart #psychohedron-2 | 2022-12-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry for LOWREZJAM 2021. Fly throught the loophole to defeat psychohedron.

Epilepsy warning: psychohedron contains flashing lights

At the end i run out of tokens so there are some parts unpolished. Map generation is a little buggy. I hope you enjoy it!

Left/Right arrow to move

Z to shoot

X to jump/use jetpack

Down arrow to fastfall/drop from platforms

v1.1 changelog

+Deleted final boss, now the game is an infinite arcade with score.
+Added score at game over
+Added new random backgrounds (58 patterns, 4 palettes and 4 effects)
+Added new block
+Reduced heart drop when u kill enemies, but now hearts appear in the map (and maybe a surprise!)
+Added 7 new enemies
+Alternative versions of all enemies, more and more will appear the further you progress in the game
+Added 20 new rooms to the 36 existent rooms (the objective is 123!)
+Added sfx when a stage is completed
+Changed the turtle sprite

-Quality of life changes
+When u die camera velocity is reduced a 65%
+The jetpack has more force
+Added corner detection to reduce unfair squish deaths

P#96068 2021-08-15 21:47 ( Edited 2022-12-13 22:00)