Explore the wolrd of Carmina and discover friends, enemies and terrible mosters. Walk around and try magic on things.
Controls: use cursor (arrow) keys to walk around and swim (if you have the lifesaver)
X to use magic (once you have the magic wand).
I made this for my 5 yo daughter. Maybe other kids would enjoy it. And even adults.
Hi guys!
Besides aspiring game developer, I’m a musician too.
I make a weird form of instrumental rock music and I think some pico-8 visuals may fit this music well.
The idea is to make some kind of animation or video to go with it. It’s really a small, personal, experimental and independent project I do in my spare time. If you are interested please reply or send me a message.
This is an action game with classic arcade mechanics.
You are in a room full of spiders and your only weapon is a magic wand, if you can pick it up.
Keep an eye on the power meter, which decreases every time you use magic or take a hit from the spiders. If it reaches zero, you can't use magic.
If you step on the pink power ups, you regain some power, but there is a limit to how much you can use them.
Wipe out all the spiders using your magic before the time runs out to go to the next level, but it won't be easy, as the number of spiders increases on each level and they become more resistant.
If time runs out before you kill all the spiders on the current level, you lose 1 life.
Use the arrows keys to move and X to use magic.
What's the highest level you can reach?
-- Update Apr 8 2018
New map designs
Bug fixes
-- Update Jun 11 2017
Minor fixes and improvements