Hey all,
I've decided to pursue my game making hobby, I'm as green as they come when it comes to coding/programming.
I've bought PICO-8 and Picotron, I'll be tipping my toes making games with PICO-8 to wrap my head around programming, and my initial end goal is to make a memorable 2D metroidvania game in Picotron.
I'm honestly not sure where to start though, I know there are free content I could watch on YouTube or read on websites, but I'm trying to find the foundational content/book(s) I can cling to and learn from, so I get a good grasp what it takes to be a decent beginner and eventually an independent intermediate game programmer.
Y'all are more than welcome to make some suggestions, I'll do my best to interact with the comments below.
I wish y'all a good day!
- 84ggy