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Cart #merchantlife-4 | 2023-08-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Use the z, x, and arrow keys to navigate through the menus.

The Game

This ​game is ​​about buying and selling goods and traveling between outposts There are two types of goods: contraband and normal trade goods. The rules of the game are simple, you have 300 days to make as much money as possible and have the outposts up to level 3. Leveling outposts is completed through "outpost requests". These will upgrade the outposts so that they produce more.

The "hard mode" of the game is to complete all the outposts without selling any contraband.
itch.io page

Behind the Scenes

I wanted to make a game where trading was the main focus. I've always been inspired by games with traveling and trading. Games like Oregon Trail, Albion online, and text adventures in general. I was also inspired by another cart, Age of Ants, that used some really cute bugs as units. I wanted to use similar bugs as companions.

Change Log


  • added lantern of farsight item to plains
  • bandit will never steal all items in inventory
  • option to choose travel speed in menu
  • removed sell back contraband to black market (no returns...)


  • Fixed a small bug with the retire button
  • Moved the level up text to not interfere with the retire button


My Wife for encouraging being very supportive and encouraging me in this endeavor and the great Pico 8 community :).​


P#133417 2023-08-23 01:33 ( Edited 2024-02-16 21:05)


Well done, I like it 👍
Maybe add X button (or a combo in case) to skip/speed up the travelling phase?
Also why does it show Inv: 1/20
when I'm apparently not carrying anything?

P#133446 2023-08-24 00:02

Thanks for playing, Heracleum! I like the idea of an option for speeding up the travel. I'll look into that.

the little red apple thing at the bottom is the "contraband" emblem. You are probably carrying some contraband :)

P#133454 2023-08-24 03:30

@Heracleum I added some new changes:


  • added lantern of farsight item to plains
  • bandit will never steal all items in inventory
  • option to choose travel speed in menu
  • removed sell back contraband to black market (no returns...)
P#133464 2023-08-24 15:18


  • Fixed a small bug with the retire button
  • Moved the level up text to not interfere with the retire button
P#133717 2023-08-29 23:11 ( Edited 2023-08-29 23:12)

i played through this twice but I didn't keep the score for the first one and I didn't get all of them to level 3 but I replayed it and did, this game is really fun i enjoyed it a lot!!!

P#134067 2023-09-08 18:03

@chair777 I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) thanks for playing!

P#134073 2023-09-09 02:14 ( Edited 2023-09-09 02:14)

Very nice playing

P#140840 2024-01-29 20:32

@Gollazio glad you liked it!

P#140841 2024-01-29 20:47

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