Had only a little time to make this one, just a single stretch of 16 hours or so. Finally found the time to post it here too!
(Should these be posted under jam instead of cartridges?)
Anyway; Deliver the orders shown at the bottom, but be careful to not drop the ones not wanted at the moment (chart shown at the bottom).
Drop a package to the next belt by pressing Z or X when over the package.
It may not be what you got right now, so there are two ways to correct that:
- Combine some packages by dropping them on each other; which ones combine to others is shown up top.
- Wait until a new set of orders arrives (when the yellow bar in the bottom runs out).

This is really cool. Once I realised you don't have to worry about the packages going off the side of the screen I thought it would be quite easy.... then the screen filled with boxes and I started panicking :D Super impressed you were able to come up with this and make it in only 16 hours.
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