Feature Overview
STRDSUM() sums two numerable strings.
- The number of digits it can handle exceeds the 32-bit limit. (Probably as long as the system will allow.)
- Match the string length to the longer of the two arguments.
- Negative values and values after the decimal point cannot be handled.(Insert a period in the output result.)
- This function consumes 63 Token.
This code may cause errors in versions prior to 0.2.5c.
?strdsum('32768','32768') -- 65536 ?strdsum('500','000500') -- 001000 ?strdsum('900109','123456') -- 1023565 |

A subtractive version has been added.
Only the result is supported in the minus display.
function strdsub(a,b) local s,l,d,m='',max(#a,#b),'','' if a < b then a,b,m=b,a,'-' end for i=1,l do local v=(a[-i] or 0)-(b[-i] or 0)-#d d=v<0 and '1' or '' s=v%10 ..s end while s[1]=='0' do s=sub(s,2) end return m..s end |
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