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Cart #nupogodi-3 | 2022-06-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A PICO-8 tribute to "Ну, погоди!" - a Soviet clone of Nintendo EG-26 Egg

nupogodi-3: Improved final scene.
nupogodi-1: Disabled (x) and (o) during the game (thanks to @dw817 for the idea!). Added a final scene when player reaches 1000 eggs.
nupogodi-0: Initial release.

P#112514 2022-05-31 08:49 ( Edited 2022-06-05 11:27)

If no-one had approached this, I was going to do it myself and I still have the image originals, @brotherdetjr.

You did well here so superbly done !

You might remove the 🅾️ for restart and instead have that do what the original handheld game did. Which was to reverse both X + Y simultaneously. That is if the wolf was holding the basket at the top-left it would reverse to the bottom-right and if it were at the bottom-left it would reverse to the top-right.

The game also seems to be harder than the original. That's fine with me though as the originally usually starts out incredibly slow.

Gold star work.

P#112536 2022-05-31 20:45 ( Edited 2022-06-01 15:08)

Thanks @dw817 ! Much appreciated.
Press (x) and you'll switch to the control mode you've described. It works well if you configure the keyboard accordingly, e.g. q,z,m,o instead of the arrows.
I decided not to try reproducing the speed growth - just to find smth suitable enough to reach 1000 ;)
May I know why you didn't like (o) for restart? I thought a quick restart would be handy for this kind of games.
Once again, thanks for the appraisal and for the feedback!

P#112544 2022-05-31 23:39

Hi @brotherdetjr:

The 🅾️ key is rather close to the ❎ key and if you accidentally press it not only does the game start over but you don't know what your score is at that time.

I'm not seeing a need for an instant restart of the game outside of debugging - especially when you are trying to get a high score and want to play the game for some time. Pressing CTRL+R or selecting "RESET CART" from the default should be enough to restart the game.

P#112567 2022-06-01 15:11 ( Edited 2022-06-01 15:12)

Hi @dw817,
Yep, makes sense. Thank you! Will remove, you convinced me!
Also I've just realized I published a wrong version with no 1000 event. Not sure it's really needed though. Just to mock the old city legend.

P#112570 2022-06-01 15:59

I'm playing the game proper, @brotherdetjr. I'm not understanding the appearance of the bunny for this game ? I thought in the original game when that appears your score is 2x all the while it appears ?

Here you just get 1 score per egg, bunny or not.

P#112792 2022-06-06 16:44

Hi @dw817,
Interesting. I have never played the original EG-26, but if I recall correctly, my "Nu Pogodi" version didn't make any difference to scoring whether the bunny was shown or not.
An evidence from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbR4_t1scBY
I don't mind changing the scoring - it's a tribute, not a 100% replica. But is it worth, you think?

I'm thinking of adding some tune though.
Also some neutral(ish) background originally absent.

P#112819 2022-06-06 21:45 ( Edited 2022-06-06 21:48)

I may be thinking of variations, @brotherdetjr. I know for instance this was done with Micky Mouse.


Hmm ... I guess I just thought since Minnie appeared that you would receive some kind of bonus. So - now I'm not sure what the bonus character appearance serves in the game.

P#112856 2022-06-07 19:54

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