cough(it's not actually invisible there is still particles)cough

Sick mod, I love the fact that it used the 1.5 mechanics so you don't exactly know where you go i think it would have been too easy with normal physics.

I forgot it was Celeste 1.5 and I beat it without any of the new mechanics :)

This was my first run and playing this I realize just how much of the game I play based on muscle memory.

Because when I play, I can stick to the wall to confirm where I am.
(Do ghosts carry air when they pass through it?)

I thought I was doing pretty well until the last few levels...

@Catastrophic Cal : Amazing time and deaths count! I'm doing well if I complete the regular game under that time.

this is 10 seconds better than my normal game pb... WHAT
EDIT: this is also my first run
ANOTHER EDIT: i just got 3:00 on normal celeste, were good

As someone who just beat the full steam release of Celeste with invisible motion on
this is perfect.

I was going to do a skip but since u added a mechanic to the game I couldn’t. It’s fun, 6/10 memorization game but u can see dash smoke and stuff

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