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Cart #wazazopidu-0 | 2021-09-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Move Left = Left Arrow Key
Move Right = Right Arrow Key
Jump = X
Stick = Z
Climb Ladder = Up & Down Arrow Keys

UPDATE 1.01: Thanks everyone for the feedback with this previous version( https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=44479 ). I updated the stick jump controls, they should be a lot easier to time the jumps now because the stick will now remain pointing down once the initial swing is complete. Also added the tap-to-turnaround-in-place function. Previously the player would move one tile if left or right was tapped. Lastly, the bridge level has been reworked(it was hastly put together the first time).

Please let me know what else is needed to tighten it up more and I'll try implementing it in the next update!

Also if anyone knows how to change which cart version is displayed by default, please let me know in the comments :)

STICK is a prototype of a simple platformer idea. The player character uses a walking stick to poke switches and help them make difficult jumps and avoid dangerous terrain. In this case the only dangerous terrains are spikes and falling off the screen.

I also threw in some collectable mushrooms for good measure that add to your score, as well as a timer that will give you a % bonus to your score if you're quick enough.

It's short, and has some occasional wonkiness which I'll be ironing out. But I'd love to get feedback regarding how the controls feel, especially opinions about the fact that I made the player character snap to grid in the x dimension, which I realize is an unusual choice for a platformer.


P#96871 2021-09-04 17:31 ( Edited 2021-09-04 17:34)


Hello! The common thing is to have one thread per game and edit the first message to upload a new version. You can hide previous versions in spoiler tags, or just not keep them. (They will still be accessible with their ID using different website URLs or splore, deleting an embed from a post does not delete the cart or image!)

The cart ID field is pre-filled (wazazopidu), but if you change that and put the same for each version (stick), then the bbs will append -0, -1, etc for versioning. People running 'load #stick' in pico8 will get the latest version, and 'load #stick-0' will get that specific version.

P#96873 2021-09-04 18:25


P#96982 2021-09-07 02:20

fun so far!!! i liked the weight of the character and the bouncing stick mechanics!!! a little hard to control at times while bouncing!!! played till the end! c;

P#97007 2021-09-07 16:08

speedrun best.

P#119088 2022-10-14 07:52 ( Edited 2022-10-14 07:52)

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