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game isn't fully implemented yet.
up/left/right to move
x to pewpew

Cart #putehepujo-0 | 2021-03-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#88954 2021-03-14 08:58


Very clear and easy to understand how the player movement works, thanks for sharing!

P#88965 2021-03-14 14:13

@braindead : thank you <3 it's my first attempt at a game, I bought pico-8 a few days ago.

I struggled a bit with the rotation trigonometry.
As well as with pangle & paccelangle, it was a bit of trial and error to correctly separate the movement vector and the spaceship rotation

P#88973 2021-03-14 21:03

I still have a problem to patch with :
pvx = pvx + paccel * cos(paccelangle+0.25)
pvy = pvy + paccel * sin(paccelangle+0.25)

I should have read the documentation and notice that "0" in the trigonometry circle isn't pointed north :D

I'll have to remake the spaceship geom so that it point east when the angle is 0. (that should fix it ? hopefully ?)

P#88974 2021-03-14 21:08 ( Edited 2021-03-14 21:09)

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