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Cart #demystify-4 | 2024-03-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Demystifying the Christmas Tree

Help your kitten destroy as many decorations as you can before the tree is fully decorated or their energy runs out and they nap.

Try to destroy multiple decorations within a short time to get combo bonuses and improve your score. Use your energy wisely, young feline.

Play as Philly or Frankie on their own or with a friend against each other. See who can cause the most chaos!


Action      Frankie (Player 1)  Philly (Player 2)
jump        up                  E
run         left/right          S, F
descend     down                D
poke        O(Z)                W
swipe/hit   X                   Q

Return      menu, including music on/off and restart.

(These are the standard PICO-8 controls so some other keys work too)


Demystifying the Christmas Tree recreates a real event from a Christmas past, although in real life the kittens not only broke decorations, but also took out parts of the tree itself. They also didn't run out of energy (as anyone who has had kittens would know).

If you like this game, find a problem or have any suggestions then please comment below.

Please consider trying my other games or following me for news on new projects.

Happy Holidays :)

1.0.1 update: after testing with the owner of the kittens (my girlfriend's mother aka "mother-outlaw") I've added an option to change the speed that the arms decorate the tree.

1.0.2 update: added fade effect to intro. Because I felt like it.

1.0.3 update: added combo indicator after user feeback.

1.0.4 update: gameplay exploit patch

P#85468 2020-12-16 13:32 ( Edited 2024-03-02 14:25)


Saw on twitter and looked nice. But I think you forgot to attach it.

P#85470 2020-12-16 13:47

I wondered when one of you would spot that... (oops :s)

P#85473 2020-12-16 15:22

This is the most delightful little game <3

P#85478 2020-12-16 16:46

Nice music and presentation. Its just a diversion but its a good one.

P#85484 2020-12-16 19:08

Thanks - you're right, it's only a toy (but isn't that what you want for Christmas?) :)

P#85579 2020-12-19 11:14

Yeah its perfect.

P#85585 2020-12-19 12:01

Wonderful presentation, even just the title screen, and great music. Creative idea. I love it! Into my favorites it goes.

P#85816 2020-12-27 07:17

This reminds me Alley Cat dos game.

P#97174 2021-09-10 20:13

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