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This is just a little something that would be nice, but I spend a lot of time resizing my window so it just fits around the Pico-8 screen. I love having a little floating Pico-8 screen with no black boarders or anything. I don't mind having the frame around it, and I've already set up my window so on launch it's the largest my screen can comfortably hold and have no black border.

The problem is when I'd like to get a smaller window. Pico-8 jumps between certain sizes already, and I would love to have a shortcut to move between window sizes, or some option for window size snapping (window size would snap smaller to fit around Pico-8 screen)

I don't know if anyone else really cares about something like this, or how many people keep their Pico-8 windows like I keep mine, but it's personally something I would like to see.

P#67034 2019-08-30 05:14

The GIMP has a similar feature they call "Shrink Wrap", which will try to optimize the area of the screen space that's displaying the open image, whether it needs to be bigger or smaller to accomodate. It'd be awesome to see this as a native feature in PICO-8. It already resizes the console's video output as you resize its window, so there are already hooks in place for code to react.

I have run into the same limitation on my own, but I put together an auto-setting and keybinding for my i3-gaps environment to fix it:

# The extra 8 pixels is to account for my 4px wide borders. Adjust to taste.
# I use 4x4 pixels because my screen is large and I wear glasses :P
for_window [class="pico8"] floating enable, resize set 528 528
bindsym $mod+Shift+p resize set 528 528

What makes this minor annoyance a bigger annoyance is each environment needs to solve this problem on its own (i.e. my i3 config from above is useless on anything else), when it could be a configurable feature of the console itself. Defaults can be defaults as long as it's documented how to change it.

It's not terribly interesting work, but the quality of life improvements have greatly contributed to my continued interest in PICO-8 and I'm thankful for them. Code tabs are great, better control over exporting and easy recording are great, splore is great. Keep up the work in this area!

EDIT: Take a look at console emulators for an example of the kind of smart resizing they can do when configured. It's generally done through the menu or via keybinding. PICO-8 is designed to simple and fun, so I understand not putting this in obvious places, but a keybinding or runtime flag would be nice and fit in better with PICO-8's design philosophy than a menu. Opt-in for extra features, keeps defaults predictable.

P#67089 2019-09-01 02:54 ( Edited 2019-09-01 03:01)

The most obvious choice would be to put it as a flag in the config file like all the other window options, but yeah @zlg, that "shrink wrap" feature is, I think, exactly what I'm talking about. Would be super nice.

P#67420 2019-09-09 06:14

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