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Cart #49263 | 2018-02-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first attempt to code something with Pico-8. Fire routine by Ben Hickling. This is my entry to Chimpbembly 64k intro competition.


Pretty cool. That person must have been difficult to draw.

What's Chimpbembly?

Chimpbembly is a small biannual coding event and I wanted to try something with new platform. Flame reflections on face were made by checking certain color/pixel values from flame and then inserting one of three possible reflection sprites over persons face. That was the hardest thing with this little production to get it "right".

I'm curious about something silly. :)

The hairstyle on the little girl looks exactly like one I applied to a child in the Sims yesterday. I realize that'd be an amazing coincidence, but still... is the image based on a real person, a drawing, or maybe on a 3D render/game?

That figure is based on some random stock photo image which I pixelled to PICO-8 palette by hand.

Geez, nice pixeling, then. :)

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