Hey everyone,
Pinkbunny is back \o/ In this third installment of the Puzzle Cave series Pinkbunny must travel back in time to the 1970s and stop Dr. Eyevil from altering our time line.
Puzzle Cave III - That 70s Bunny
- fresh from Revision 2017!
- 15 levels
- hard and slightly harder puzzles
- story and cut scenes
- music ! \o/
- a pink bunny that goes by the name of Pinkbunny
- not for puzzle solving beginners ;)
- game keeps track of your achievements during a session
Have fun!
Team Hackefuffel
jco, g1d30n & gizmo
P.S. Post your final score!
Edit: Version 1.2 sound bug fixed

I'm stuck at level 5. Awesome, it took me 30 min to get there. I think that's the most amount of time I spent on a pico game!

Great great game! Some levels felt insanely hard but that's why I love it. The last level wasn't as hard as some others but ending scene was cool. I wish there would be more levels to play :) .

Edit2: I'm not sure you're safe with Episode III, I'm having lots of fun trying to speed run it! ;) I love this game!


This is a challenge to all all you playing this game!

Why am I not able to find this on SPLORE?
I installed the cartridge, of course, but I'm still stuck at level 6.

This one was a doozy... Def my favorite PICO-8 trilogy of all time! (Though if you can think of another one, let me know.)
Too bad this one can't be found on splore! I even searched "by:gizmo," and it brought me to a single game made by user darkhog. Maybe zep should be contacted? In any case, this was a very fun play. I hold a special place in my heart for pinkbunny & other hakefuffle games. :)
lmk if splore gets figured out. Wouldn't mind playing these three games again.
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