First version of a game I made over Christmas break!
- added checkpoints
- fixed blue spark/snowflake glitch
- added missing functionality on a door
Coming soon next update:
-Smoother Camera
-Visible Player behind trees
Some check-points are expected so I don't have to restart the game all over again once I touched the spikes.
Edit: otherwise I might as well make the character invincible, since I can hardly ever pass the whole map deathless…
Promising game, here are a few suggestions
- smoother camera
Instead of a simple player centered camera that directly translate the tile based player movement into choppy tile based scrolling, have the camera play catch up : move the camera N% of the distance between the player and the center per frame rounded down, so very slow/no move when staying near the center, and progressively faster movement as the player moves towards a border. You can even add some inertia to the camera so you can move forward fast to look ahead and have the camera move back from going to far to re-center on the player. - Constant speed :
change the btnp 1st scan delay to 4 so you don't get the annoying pause before running
poke(0x5f5c,4) (default is 15 witch is nice to avoid double letters when typing but deadly when trying to get past an enemy)
If you find it too fast, you can slow it a bit but should then also change the repeat speed in that case.
r=5? 6? 7?
poke(0x5f5d,r) - fix the bug with the blue spark in the cave, got sniped from outside the screen, not a fun way to end the run.
- show the stats in the game over screen. Maybe also show and save the best gold with catdata+dset+dget ? If a perfect score is reasonable attainable, you could add a timer. at game start do timer_start=time(), at game over dor timer_end=time(), and to get the time played, just do timer_end-timer_start.
- when getting behind tree tops, show the player : draw it normally over the map, then just redraw the treetop over it with spr, but temporarily setting white as transparent with palt so the player is visible behind the tree.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Good job on making it to the key! Just added checkpoints
Died two times, thank you for the checkpoints.
I had the olympic key. Maybe the message only cares about coins and assumed my low score meant no key ?
The score depends only on coins, the key just helps you unlock numerous vaults stashed with coins
@dave314159 Yep, that's my point. I had the olympic key and just won without opening all the vaults. You could add the inventory to the win screen, and only mention the Olympic key if it's not in the inventory.
Last thing, typo in the s rank message : it's "you're amazing", not "your amazing".
Oh, the bosses main difficulty comes from the delay between 1st move and the following ones. poke(0x5f5c,4) would fix that.
Not too big a problem since there are save points now.
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