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I am trying to run Pico-8 on Raspberry Pi 4b with pi os lite.
I have tried following this post: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=140366
but it did not work for me.

when I tried this command, it just got stucked and nothing happened.
root@rpi0:/home/rpi/pico-8# ./pico8_64

for other executable pico8, pico8_dyn, I got this error:
root@rpi0:/home/rpi/pico-8# ./pico8_dyn
-bash: ./pico8_dyn: cannot execute: required file not found

can anyone guide me how to debug this problem?

btw I am diabling the vc4-fkms-v3d driver because I need to access to the framebuffer.

now I can use vc4-fkms-v3d driver, I have set the environment variable:
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=kmsdrm

but still no output from pico8 program.

here is the log file:
root@rpi0:~/.lexaloffle/pico-8# cat log.txt
[000000] codo_init
[000000] platform: Linux
[000000] Found config.txt
[000000] 01 window_size 0 0 // window width, height
[000000] 02 screen_size 0 0 // screen width, height (stretched to window)
[000000] 03 show_fps 0 // Draw frames per second in the corner
[000000] 04 windowed 0 // 1 to start up in windowed mode
[000000] 05 window_position -1 -1 // x and y position of window (-1, -1 to let the window manager decide)
[000000] new window position: -1, -1
[000000] 06 frameless 0 // 1 to use a window with no frame
[000000] 07 fullscreen_method 1 // 0 maximized window (linux) 1 borderless desktop-sized window 2 hardware fullscreen (warning: erratic behaviour under some drivers)
[000000] 08 blit_method 0 // 0 auto 1 software (slower but sometimes more reliable) 2 hardware (can do filtered scaling)
[000000] 09 foreground_sleep_ms 1 // number of milliseconds to sleep each frame. Try 10 to conserve battery power
[000000] 10 background_sleep_ms 10 // number of milliseconds to sleep each frame when running in the background
[000000] 11 sessions 64 // number of times program has been run
[000000] 12 rmb_key 0 // 0 for none 226 for LALT
[000000] 13 desktop_path
[000000] 14 read_controllers_in_background 0
[000000] 15 sound_volume 256 // 0..256
[000000] 16 music_volume 256 // 0..256
[000000] 17 mix_buffer_size 1024
[000000] 18 map_scancodes
[000000] 19 use_wget 0 // (Linux) 1 to use wget for downloads instead of libcurl (must be installed)
[000000] 20 version 0.2.6
[000000] 21 volume 256
[000000] 22 root_path /root/.lexaloffle/pico-8/carts/
[000000] 23 cdata_path /root/.lexaloffle/pico-8/cdata/
[000000] 24 joystick_index 0
[000000] 25 merge_joysticks 0
[000000] 26 button_keys 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[000000] 27 live_notes 0
[000000] 28 cursor_snap 0
[000000] 29 gui_theme 0
[000000] 30 screenshot_scale 3
[000000] 31 gif_scale 3
[000000] 32 gif_len 16
[000000] 33 gif_reset_mode 0
[000000] 34 host_framerate_control 1
[000000] 35 splore_filter 0
[000000] 36 tab_width 1
[000000] 37 draw_tabs 0
[000000] 38 record_activity_log 1
[000000] 39 allow_function_keys 1
[000000] 40 check_for_cart_updates 1
[000000] 41 enable_gpio 1
[000000] 42 auto_hide_mouse_cursor 5
[000000] 43 aggressive_backups 0
[000000] 44 periodic_backups 20
[000000] 45 transform_screen 0
[000000] 46 gfx_grid_lines 0
[000000] 47 capture_timestamps 0
[000000] codo_system_init
[000302] Compiled against SDL version: 2.0.14
[000302] Linked against SDL version: 2.26.5
[000302] Current video driver: KMSDRM
[000302] codo_reset_timer
[000302] codo_gui_init
[000302] codo_keys_init
[000302] codo_text_init
[000303] codo_video_init
[000303] codo_mouse_init
[000303] codo_joystick_init
[000306] Reading controller mappings: /root/.lexaloffle/pico-8/sdl_controllers.txt
[000306] searching for joysticks
[000306] found 0 joysticks
[000306] ok
[000306] ok
[000331] codo_load_pod: /home/rpi/pico-8/pico8.dat ok
[000354] codo_set_screen 128 128 8 100
[000354] window size: 640 540
[000354] setting fullscreen window size to 128 128
[002637] setting filter to nearest (screen_mode 1 back page width: 128)
renderer opengl:
flags: 0x0000000E ( | | )
texture formats (8): ARGB8888, ABGR8888, RGB888, BGR888, YV12, IYUV, 0x3231564e, 0x3132564e
max texture size: 4096x4096
[002662] desktop size: 128 128
[002663] ok
[002668] codo_sound_init mix_buffer_size: 1024
[002668] codo_sound_init
[002668] SDL_INIT_AUDIO ok
[002677] SDL_OpenAudio ok
[002677] freq:22050
[002677] Built-in audio drivers: 0 pulseaudio 1 alsa 2 sndio 3 pipewire 4 dsp 5 disk 6 dummy
[002677] Current audio driver: alsa
[004696] splore_init
[004696] could not load favourites file: /root/.lexaloffle/pico-8/favourites.txt
[006286] codo_exit
[006286] cmusic_stop
[006286] codo_main_exit
[006288] codo_config_save
[006288] codo_sound_exit
[006288] codo_video_exit
[006368] codo_joystick_exit
[006368] codo_system_exit
[006368] codo_items_created: 1302
[006368] ok

finnaly I got it work with the X11 driver and xvfb...

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