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Cart #bitmapimporter-0 | 2024-04-03 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

In the fast moving world of Picotron, the PNG importers have already rendered this mostly redundant, but I thought I'd post it anyway. This little app imports an 8bpp bitmap of up to 64 colours and outputs to clipboard a pod containing the palette and the image, as well as a couple of lines of code to use it. You can specify the palette offset to use, so if your image contained only 32 colours but the project you want to use it in already used the first 32, you can offset it.

I've had decent results using Paint.net, using the Quantize filter to reduce colours and it lets me have good control over dither patterns. So I may still use this for some future projects.

UI design and feedback are minimal. The offset field won't allow for a value which will exceed 64 colours but it doesn't tell you that. I just decided to ship it in it's current state.

P#145605 2024-04-03 19:53

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