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Not sure if this is a bug or not but it is really hard for me to get left-clicks to register on my macbook pro. Whether I'm tapping to click or actually pushing the trackpad it generally takes 4 to 5 clicks to register 1. I don't have any issues in any other apps so it isn't my hardware.

Is anyone else having this issue? Are there any known workarounds? Thanks!

EDIT: I am having this problem on a 2015 macbook pro but I was able to test with a new m2 macbook pro and all the push left clicks registered correctly but the tap left clicks still took 5 or 6 solid taps to register.


Have you tried the latest version (v.0.1.0e)?

Yes, i have updated to the latest version but still have the same issue.


Pushing the trackpad with 2 fingers works for me, but tapping doesn't work as a left-click. So I'm in the same boat.

I use a MacBook Air M1.

Good to know I'm not the only one :)

Yeah my double finger right-click works every time but the left-click is iffy. However it does seem like if I long press both clicks (push clicks not taps) it registers better, almost like the left-clicks on this particular model are going to quick to be caught by Picotron..


Adding my voice to this. Left-click rarely works in the way I use my trackpad. I prefer to not feel the haptic feedback. Personally, I don't consider Picotron usable until this is fixed.

I'm still facing the same issue... pretty irritating

I am having this issue on the latest build on an M1 Pro macbook

I’m on a 2022 MacBook Pro and I notice that about every 5th click doesn’t register. It feels like I’m going crazy 🤪
Latest build.

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