Excavate the temple of a lost civilization. Fill each well to receive an ancient scroll. Learn the most sacred of all songs: the Raven's Rood.
This is an implementation of the solitaire game Fortune's Foundation, originally released in 2022 by Zachtronics. No expense was spared or taken in providing immersive keyboard controls, intricate chiptune audio, and a handful of tiny lizard pictures.
Content warning: postcolonial themes, narrative violence.

I'm impressed how well you fit this dense solitaire game. This is great!
The tutorial is well integrated. It's nice how the full deck is gradually introduced. It's a hard game to take in all in at once, and the pacing here is encouraging.
Excellent presentation and music. I'm sure to spend some more time on this, so thank you for sharing!

Thank you! You might enjoy poking through the code -- it's quite a mess in places, but hopefully it manages to be mostly understandable. The hardest thing by far was figuring out how to generate solvable boards, and in the end I built an external program for it.

It took quite a few tries, but I made it!
Your code is well structured and easy to follow. If I understand correctly, it's very cool how you store the large collection of solvable seeds found by your external program in the map data!

Finally reached the bottom 😅
It's really addicting, great job ⭐ especially the cards navig/handling is very comfy 👌

@skarrmann: Correct! I implemented Pico 8's RNG and my shuffler in Rust, then had it generate each deal and test it for whether it was solvable.
@Heracleum: Congratulations! And thank you -- it went through several playtesters and a couple iterations before I landed on the final control scheme.
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