I made this a couple of months ago and never got around to posting it, so here it is! Press button, drop coin, simple as that. Different colored coins are worth more!
There's not much challenge, this was more of just a "tech demo" I made while learning how to do z-index sorting and more precise collisions.
The code is actually very simple, so if anyone would like to expand this or improve on it, be my guest! I'd appreciate a credit though :)

It was only a matter of time before someone wrote this cart, @Treedot. And you did a lovely job here.
Gold star work !
May I suggest though you make it challenging ? If you just hold down the key to release coins you never run out which is not at all the way the original did it.
The original was a game of skill where you had a limited number of coins to play and ultimately the system would win where the player runs out of quarters.
You could also keep a separate value for coins won. You could ask the player at the beginning of the game for instance how many of their coins would they like to keep for themselves ?
0 = none, as you have it now.
1 = 25%, out of every 4-coins, one is kept.
2 = 50%, out of every 2-coins, one is kept.
3 = 75%, out of every 4-coins, three are kept.
4 = 100%, all won coins are kept.
You could have skill levels too - for instance:
1 = start with $5 in quarters.
2 = start with $10 in quarters.
3 = start with $20 in quarters.

@dw817 Thanks for the ideas! Like I said I wrote this code a few months ago and totally forgot about it, I haven't done anything with PICO-8 since then and don't really see myself going back to make changes to this, at least not any time soon. The code is fairly minimal though, and I think if someone wanted to try to use this as an example or modify this to make it more challenging, that would be great!
My original intention was to add actual challenge, but I ended up with this sort of "tech demo", I saw nobody had done it so I did it!

And you did fine, @Treedot. I see you can position the coin when you drop it so yeah, you've got the skill part of it down. With the possible suggests above.
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