Hunt during the night as the werewolf

Become human at dawn and run away

Don't let the villagers catch you during the day

*Be careful letting the villagers get too close together, you won't be able to hurt them

Reach the cave at the end of the village to escape

The Curse was originally developed during Weekly Game Jam 160, during the summer of 2020. It went unfinished in time for the submission date but our idea felt too neat to leave unfinished.
Original art and concept planning by @aug.mental

I found a glitch where if you stand still near a orange wall near the end of the night, the wolf will show its back(i think it is its back) and turn glitched.

I was puzzled on what to do here at first but it turns out it was simpler than I thought.
An easy game I'd say.

Kudos to a new interesting game that isn't another galaga clone!

Wow, thank you all for playing and for the feedback! I'm happy to see that reviving this little project paid off.
@Verb: If they had made it out just a little earlier they could've had ya! Thanks for capturing the GIF, it looks really cool in motion seeing someone else play.
@mcman: Oh, good find! I had some of those early on when I implemented the day/night cycle and tracked it down to how I was writing the sprite animation code. I'll have to see what it is about that collision type and continuing animation after the time of day changes.
@Bloodbane: Thank you! I really didn't love my level design overall on this one but I'm currently trying to set and stick to deadlines for releasing things as practice to get more projects together. I made some last minute tweaks before going live with it to require that one high jump to get to the upper platform leading to the exit. If I ever revisit this as a bigger idea I would want to make some more maze-like layouts.
@RL232030: Thank you so much! Fun fact: we were originally envisioning a Pac-Man clone during the game jam submission, where the game was a top-down maze and you needed to reach the exit, eating villagers along the path. When day shifted, you could no longer advance without taking damage. After missing the deadline, the project sat for over a year until the artist mentioned Mr. Goemon as another idea we could explore if we ever revisited it. I think this final version is a nice hybrid of our two ideas but one day I would like to explore making more levels, maybe revisiting the original design for some of the levels.
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