Hi everyone, this is my first PICO-8 game. It's a simple bouncy arcade game that is easy to pick up and play. Feel free to share any feedback!

My time was 513.441
I think it's a good mechanic, especially for your first game. The visuals are good too. The main things I think weren't so good are the loose hitboxes and the design of level 7. It felt like there were a lot of spots where the ball should've reached a platform but didn't, and also a lot of spots where the ball has to go slightly into a spike to get past it. The reason I don't like level 7 is that the lowest crown is just an extra task to do before the actual challenge, which feels less like part of the challenge and more like extra punishment for failure in an already punishing level.

@kimiyoribaka Thanks a ton for your feedback!
Yes the hitboxes of the spikes are quite small, I did it on purpose to make the game easier. On the other hand I reckon the hitboxes of the platforms could be 1-2 pixel wider, it would make things easier especially in level 5, that can be finished very fast if you are really precise with your jumps. I don't know if it's clear but the game has a focus on speed, in the sense that you're encouraged to optimize your timings. I suppose a sub-100 time is possible by playing well.
As for the extra crown in level 7, you're absolutely right, it doesn't add anything to the level and I'll remove it in the first update. This game for me was an exercise on level design, I did at least 3 passes scrapping all the levels everytime (at one point I had 24 levels but they were crap), so this suggestion is really spot on!
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