made for BANANA JAM to be played on a DIY arcade machine (made from banana boxes) on RETROSPELSMÄSSAN 2017 at BANANPIREN. check out the jam entry here:
made by Ossian Borén (pod3x3) and Erik Svedäng ({Else.Heartbreak})
MONOID is a shooter with a polarity mechanic (Ikaruga, Fast Racing). You can only be hurt by projectiles the flashing projectiles, switch polarity to change them into powerups instead! you have a shared energy meter for both health and ammo.
you get 1 point per pickup and 10 points per enemy, but each pickup you get without getting it will add a multiplier of 1. while you have less than 20 energy that multiplier is doubled. have fun!

the enemies fire / the enemies in general were very cramped up but the concept is simple and nice.
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