I can't believe I actually beat it! I've played quite a few carts that aimed to be "vanilla Celeste but harder" and I feel like this is the only one out there that actually did it right. Nice work!

I didn't beat it but I agree with that @Powblock532.
when I got to 1700M It was hard but I did beat it. (gave up at 1800m but it was still fun!)

GG, powblock and thx, fishstiks where you playing the old version?

I don't think so? did you just update it? because if not I was playing the latest I think

oh well, GG, 1800 is pretty tough, good job that you beat 1700 tho, :yadelie

Wow! I tried gemskip and it was hard lol,also congrats on purple club!!! I have to catch up with you

thx, forsaken, idk if gemskip is possible, i think 2700 is impossible

13:10 with 138 deaths.
1700 and 2000 were the most annoying :7
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