Made for Ludum Dare 46, by Sam B and Josh S.
BLOOM ETERNAL is an arcade shooter / water-em-up, in which you must keep your plants alive and fend off the attackers. Make sure every flower patch is kept hydrated!
You are the BLOOM SLAYER, a peaceful garden-loving ex-marine who tends to his nursery in HELL. Out of nowhere, your garden is laid siege to by a never-ending army of plant-eating SLUGS. Equipped with an array of powerful weapons (and your trusty watering can) you must relive your past life to keep your flowers safe...
- Numerous equippable weapons & powerups!
- Multiple classes of enemy slug! (2 of them)
- Cute pixel-art BLOOMGUY!
- A reasonably-sized arena!
- Lava!
Arrow keys or ESDF to move. Z/C to use watering can. Use mouse to aim and LMB to shoot weapons.
- “I felt like I was really killing slugs in hell!” - Josh S
- “10/10 best gardening simulator of the week” - Alan Titchmarsh
PICO-8 Particle System by fililou
PICO-Tween by JoebRogers
doomfire by fernandojsg
sprite rotation by jihem

For some reason I find this really funny
and the goddamn coffin dance at the end like holy shit
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