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Cart #trexofflinegame-5 | 2019-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little demake of Chromium and chrome's offline t-rex game.

controls :

X / Up : Jump
Down : Duck
O/Z/C : Switch bewteen color and black and white mode.



I like what you're getting at, but the jumps seem jagged. You know, like an upside-down V.

You should add options to switch between color/black and white and whether or not there is a day and night cycle. Just saying, if you have time.

Hey , thanks for your comments , I fixed the jump and added a Black and white mode , available by pressing O.

I like how you added the Black & White.

I noticed the jumps aren't as jagged, but they still are. The jumps need to be like an arch.

I fixed the issue with jump , and because the game player very different with the new jumps , I reset cartdatas.


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