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Cart #57841 | 2018-10-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

No points for originality here, but it's a fun programming exercise. I plan to port this to my Gamebuino device next.


  • Solved celebration
  • "Reset" menu option
  • "New puzzle" menu option
  • Fancier graphics

v 0.1
The basic functionality is all there:

  • Generation of random puzzles
  • Ability to solve it

Still pending

  • Final touches


  • "Hint" menu option
  • Difficulty indication

Nicely nicely done ! Sudoku, now there's a challenging game for the brain !

Well written here and entirely playable with a new puzzle each time. Excellent work !

Here's a star
and favorited.

I just released what I consider to be the near final version. If you have any suggestions for improvements, let me know. Now's the time!

This is perfect. Thank you for this game. I like a control and also win animation... :) Well done!

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