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Well It's really annoying to me
Fxxxxxx annoying

I am currently making a HP bar which decreases when user and monster collide

I have been trying to solve problem more than 5 hours but nothing worked.

   enemyAttackdelay = 1;
   function _draw()
   function enemies.move(e)

   function hpstatus()

I can’t tell what you are trying to do just by what you have posted but you could keep track of the time() last time rectFill was called and only call it if time() now is at least one more second.

the code you posted doesn’t show enough. hpstatus is empty, doesnt do anything. you pass 0 to it but you dont have a parameter for the function. maybe you should post your whole cart instead. use ‘save @clip’ in console to copy to clipboard

Pe51580 sorry for poor question. But i solved it
Anyway, thank you!

Please mark this as solved in your original post.

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