MSX FAN 1991年2月号に掲載された、ADRESSさん作ICE-MANをPICO-8に移植してみました。
--- Google translation ---
I tried transplanting ADRESS's ICE-MAN posted in the February 1991 issue of MSX FAN to PICO-8.
MSX was 256 × 192 pixels, PICO - 8 was 128 × 128, so I arranged it.
Since the stage has 9 stages all, if you clear it all, we also have fun, so please challenge.
Move with the cursor keys, z to the left and x to the right to issue an ice block.
Ice block can not be erased, please try retrying (if you do not press any key, the menu will be displayed).

It's too annoying to play, but looks interesting
It's super damn slow, all the useless animations, waiting for the menu to retry etc

Wow! This is so good! I love it! An excellent port! :D
I completely disagree with floman about the animations they are extremely charming and definitely an accurate relic of that age. I hope to see more ports from you soon!

I love puzzles. But opening the menu after a few seconds is really annoying, I agree. I have to keep walking back and forth to keep it from opening while I'm thinking. One time it opened while I was going down the stairs and getting ready to place a block, and what happened is I pressed 'restart' by accident.
But the menu is important, not only to restart but to show the map in a single screen. So my suggestion is to change the controls. Keep X dedicated for map/menu. Then use Z+arrows to place ice cubes. Like, hold Z and press left to place a block to the left.
But other than that I like everything here! Never seen this puzzle before, and the presentation is great.

Thank you for your opinions.
I would like to use it as a reference in the future.
Sorry for the late reply.
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