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I'd like to be able to delete one of my own posts – in this case because I've made two, neither of which have had any reply, and as they're closely related I think they'd be better off in one thread, rather than taking up twice as much space as they really need to. It is possible to do that with this BBS?

I think I have asked a similar question a while ago and the answer was that you can basically only edit existing posts. Maybe Lexaloffle could use admin powers or remove threads manually though.

Hey Turtleheart

It's not possible, but actually I think this BBS is way too quiet to be worried about mess. They are good posts too -- I enjoyed looking through those links, even if I was too lazy to reply ;p

Gray - I have Grand Plans to write my own BBS system in the future (for better integration with scores, puzzles, user-made content etc), so I'm going to put off features like previewing.

Sounds great, I approve :)

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