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Cart #46853 | 2017-11-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my second experiment with PICO-8, this time making a flexible and customizable particle emitter system. In this demo I've pre-made several different emitters that you can view by pressing (left) or (right).

Particles are only rendered as lines, but there are a lot of options to control how they look and behave. It took a while to figure out how to handle colliding with the edges of the screen such that it was accurate no matter how fast the particles were traveling or how long their trails were. Here's just the particle update function to see what's going on:

function particle:update()
  if self.age < self.lifespan then
    if self.jitter > 0 then
      local curr_jitter = rnd(self.jitter)-self.jitter/2
      local curr_angle = atan2(self.dx,self.dy)
      local curr_mag = sqrt(self.dx^2+self.dy^2)
      self.dx = cos(curr_angle+curr_jitter)*curr_mag
      self.dy = sin(curr_angle+curr_jitter)*curr_mag
    self.dx = (self.dx+self.xgrav)*self.drag
    self.dy = (self.dy+self.ygrav)*self.drag
    local next_x = self.x+self.dx
    local next_y = self.y+self.dy

    local line_pts = {{self.x, self.y}}
    line_pts.segments = 0

    while self.collide do
      -- left collision
      if next_x < 0 and btwn(self.y+((next_y-self.y)*self.x/(self.x-next_x)),0,screen) then
        self.y  += (next_y-self.y)*self.x/(self.x-next_x)
        self.x  = 0
        self.dx *= -self.bounce
        next_x  *= -self.bounce

      -- right collision
      elseif next_x > screen and btwn(self.y+((next_y-self.y)*(screen-self.x)/(next_x-self.x)),0,screen) then
        self.y  += (next_y-self.y)*(screen-self.x)/(next_x-self.x)
        self.x  = screen
        self.dx *= -self.bounce
        next_x  = screen-(next_x-screen)*self.bounce

      -- top collision
      elseif next_y < 0 and btwn(self.x+((next_x-self.x)*self.y/(self.y-next_y)),0,screen) then
        self.x  += (next_x-self.x)*self.y/(self.y-next_y)
        self.y  = 0
        self.dy *= -self.bounce
        next_y  *= -self.bounce

      -- bottom collision
      elseif next_y > screen and btwn(self.x+((next_x-self.x)*(screen-self.y)/(next_y-self.y)),0,screen) then
        self.x  += (next_x-self.x)*(screen-self.y)/(next_y-self.y)
        self.y  = screen
        self.dy *= -self.bounce
        next_y  = screen-(next_y-screen)*self.bounce

      else -- no collision
      add(line_pts, {self.x, self.y})
      line_pts.segments += 1

    self.x = next_x
    self.y = next_y
    add(line_pts, {self.x, self.y})
    line_pts.segments += 1
    add(self.lines, line_pts)

  elseif self.maxlength >= 1 then
    self.maxlength -= 1
  -- trim the lines
  while #self.lines > self.maxlength do
    del(self.lines, self.lines[1])
  -- get older
  self.age += 1

With this code a particle can bounce multiple times in a single frame.

Anyway, if this is useful at all feel free to steal it, or just check out the demo.

edit: You can now press (x) to toggle performance info.
edit2: Improved readability of performance info and fixed bug where the particle:draw() function was being called on "dead" particles.

P#46841 2017-11-29 17:52 ( Edited 2017-11-30 07:19)

whoaa prettyyyy :D

P#46843 2017-11-29 18:51 ( Edited 2017-11-29 23:51)

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