It's a clone of the Paper Plane minigame from WarioWare Inc. on the GBA!
Avoid the walls and try to make it as far down as you can!

This is a neat idea and I like the animation on the paper plane, unfortunately I'm not great at this game...

A neat little game :D The controls are a bit too sensitive for my taste but you get used to it. I think you did a pretty good job with the graphics.

It only lacks the original music.
This game had the best soundtrack of any GBA game !

the point of rotation isnt exactly right on this version but its a good try

Great sprite work !
It would be interesting to see how it feels like with tank controls as opposed to screen-relative controls.

hehe nice work. I did a Paper Plane game similar to this on the Commodore 64, but mine was based on the iOS game.
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