Hi everyone! This is my first pico 8 project :D
Keep the ball in the air!
Hit it off the walls to build up your score!
I made this in under 24 hours following @Pizzamakesgames' awesome tutorial in Picozine#1!
Normally I wouldn't upload something like this, but since it distracted me from working on my 1GAM game, I gotta put it online because now this is my first 2017 1GAM game :P
Can I be a part of this awesome community now?

You're always welcome to be part of the community, and you don't even have to make any games to do it! I haven't made any and for some reason everyone around here still tolerates me! :P

Thanks y'all! I'm super excited to learn more. It was very satisfying to work within pico 8 :)

Not even sure if I can welcome you since I'm quite new here as well :P But I'm glad to say this is a great community.
Nice take on the game, I quite like the visual effects and the dynamic the physics bring to it. Well done!
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