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[I moved this into it's own thread to make it more visible]

cptg said:

It's me again. Sorry! I just upgraded CC, from V1.03 to V1.04. Do I have to play again all the levels? Is there a way to "copy" my solutions from the previos version? I have done most of the levels with the "best number of moves" posted here. Probably I can copy the solutions if I could just learn how to do it! Right? Which takes me to my original problem: don't know how to use editor, options, paste, replay, etc. How could I if I didn't even know -until some minutes ago- what the "clipboard" was?

The solutions should still be there after you upgrade - there should be no need to copy/paste them across.

If you're using Windows, just make sure you install the game to the same place - e.g. c:\Program Files\Chocolate Castle. If you installed it to a different folder, you can copy the existing player history files across to the new folder. The files that store the solutions are called player1.txt .. player5.txt. Make sure you are copying the old player files into the new folder and not vice versa!

Mac OS X:
Stores players data in the home directory (~/Library/Application Support/Chocolate Castle), so it should work every time.

Thanks again. I have Windows.

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