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Hi all,

Is the Rasbperry Pi version of the pico8 binary that comes with the 0.1.9b zipfile supposed to be statically linked? Note that I'm asking specifically about pico8, NOT pico8_dyn.

My copy of the pico8 binary from the 0.1.9b zipfile is dynamically linked, unfortunately. When I tried to run pico8 after unzipping version 0.1.9b on top of my 0.1.8 install, it started complaining about a missing libwiringPi.so.

Note that other people ([1] & [2], linked below) are also having problems launching the statically linked Raspi version.

Here's the binary that I got from the 0.1.9b zipfile:

$ file pico8
pico8: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2b6b9f76d74fa2ce00530c81dd82d84646693f09, stripped

$ strings pico8 | grep '^0.1.'

Silly me, I deleted all of my copies of the 0.1.8 zipfile, so I can't double check that the pico8 binary is actually statically linked; I don't see on the website where you can download old versions of the zipfile.

I was able to work around the missing libwiringPi.so by following the instructions on the author's website for installing it, it installs into /usr/local/lib, and sets up symlinks in /usr/lib.



[1] - Pi version of PICO-8 not launching
[2] - rpi B+ pico8

Instructions for installing libwiringPi
You'll need network access for your Raspberry Pi, as you'll be installing a package called git, then downloading the source code for libwiringPi.

You'll need a command shell on your Raspi in order to install libwiringPi. You have 2 options:

1) You can SSH in to your Raspi if you have SSH set up in raspi-config
2) You can quit Emulation Station in order to start a command shell; you'll need to have a keyboard plugged in to your Raspi. Quit Emulation Station to a shell by pressing Start on your joystick, choosing Quit, then Quit EmulationStation.

Once you have a command shell open, type in the lines of text below that do not start with hash marks '#'; the hash marks are comments for you, the comments are explaining what the commands you are typing are doing.


# Note: you should be logged in to your Raspberry Pi at this point...

# Verify your 'pico8' static binary is missing 'libwiringPi'
# If you unpacked the PICO-8 Raspberry Pi zipfile to another location
# besides /home/pi/pico-8, then please use that path in this next command
cd /home/pi/pico-8

# Run the "ldd" command, and pipe the output through "grep"
# If you see "libwiringPi.so => not found" in the output of this command,
# then you need to build "libwiringPi"
ldd pico8  | grep "not found"

# Past this point, it's assumed that you're trying to build "libwiringPi"...
# Install 'git'; the "sudo" command gives us privileges to install packages
sudo apt-get install git

# create a temporary directory in your "home directory"
cd ~; mkdir tmp; cd tmp

# Run 'git clone' in order to get a copy of the libwiringPi source code;
# no "sudo" required for this
git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi wiringPi.git

# you'll see a few lines of text, starting with...
# "Cloning into 'wiringPi.git'..."
# After the repo is cloned to your Raspi, run
cd wiringPi.git; ./build

# More text will scroll by, starting with...
# "wiringPi Build script"
# It should take less than a minute for "wiringPi" to build.
# Once the "wiringPi" build script is done, verify it's been installed...
ls /usr/lib/libwiringPi* /usr/local/lib/libwiringPi*

# You should now see a bunch of files
# that all start with the filename "libwiringPi"

# Now verify that "libwiringPi" is installed and working
# For this command, you should see a "version" screen, 
# without any obvious errors...
gpio -v

# And this command should show you the names
# and states of all of the GPIO pins...
gpio readall

# Now go back and check your "pico8" binary
# Remember, if you have your "pico8" binary installed in a different directory,
# please use the name of that directory in this next command
cd /home/pi/pico-8

# Verify that your "pico8" binary is happy
ldd pico8  | grep "not found"

# No text from the "grep" output means that "libwiringPi"
# is now installed correctly.
# Go ahead and try to launch "pico8" and see if it works!

The RetroPie site has setup instructions for setting up SSH on RetroPie.

EDIT #1: added instructions from the libwiringPi author on how to test that libwiringPi is working correctly.
EDIT #2: Added the note about just using sudo apt-get install wiringpi, instead of having to compile the wiringpi library by hand

P#32343 2016-11-09 00:13 ( Edited 2016-11-16 03:47)

I can't exactly answer your question, but...

I had to install wiringPi too, when I first installed Pico-8 on Pi (v0.1.9).

I assume this is necessary due to the GPIO support added in v0.1.9.

P#32358 2016-11-09 07:59 ( Edited 2016-11-09 12:59)

I can confirm, I had to install "wiringPi" manually outside as well. Just go to any prompt and enter the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wiringPi

...and then it'll work fine!

P#32396 2016-11-11 11:53 ( Edited 2016-11-11 16:53)

@TonyTheTGR is correct, just need to install the wiringpi package, no need for the above. I wasn't aware it was a package, so I did it the hard way.

The easy way is:

sudo apt-get install wiringpi
P#32540 2016-11-15 22:44 ( Edited 2016-11-16 03:44)

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