The humble bundles don't traditionally do this, courtesy of the no-drm promise.

Will the humble bundle have a temporary or permanent DRM-free key page for Voxatron? Because if it's temporary it means that after the key page expiration we won't be able to download the next updates.
I hope they do merge the accounts and after the humble bundle expiration we can just get drm updates through lexaloffle.
from [u]https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=377[/u]
MIK3K said "Yep, dev said on twitter that all updates will be available through your Humble Bundle page - so don't lose that email (and you might want to write down the link to your personal page)."

goya, you redownload it after the update comes out. the devs replace the old files on the download with a new ones.

I'd still like to link my HVB games to my account here, are there any plans to allow this? possibly by entering our HVB key somewhere on our profile page?
EDIT: nevermind, it appears as if this is being worked on: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=893
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