This is a Tetris(R) clone with smooth controls, multiple graphics styles, catchy music, and a balanced randomization system.
There are 3 modes to play:
- Endless - Play until you lose
- 25 Lines - Play until you clear 25 lines
- Clear - The aim is to clear the bottom line. A lower score is better.
Left/Right - Move piece
Down - Make piece fall faster
Up - Drop piece instantly
Button 4 (Z) - Rotate piece counter-clockwise
Button 5 (X) - Rotate piece clockwise
I hope you enjoy!
1.1 - added instant dropping by pressing the up button
- changed the line height for clear mode from 8 to 6
1.0 - first version

Very good! Great presentation and feel to the game! The only thing I'm missing is a way to quick-drop the pieces!

Wow, this is nice! Probably even nicer than my version.
If I had to pick a single problem, I guess that would be the lack of ability to instantly drop a piece to the bottom by pressing UP on the directional pad.

Oh yeah, I forgot about instant dropping. I guess I never played Tetris that way. That will be easy to fix though.

This is great!
I miss "hard drop" and also "hold piece"

Very nice game! Has the feel of a complete and polished game.
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