I'm looking very much forward to getting my PocketCHIP hardware, with PICO8 built-in .. and one of the things I'll be doing with the PocketCHIP is using it as the basis of a MIDI processor system.
So I was wondering - if we get PICO8 on PocketCHIP, would it be possible to request a feature for a new version of PICO8 in the future: MIDI I/O support?
This would be awesome! :)

No, but there's coming support for GPIO pins so you might be able to make it yourself.

GPIO is not ideal. Serial I/O (i.e. read from /dev/tty..) would be better .. any chance I can convince you to put it on your feature list for a future version?
I think specifically about the PocketCHIP use-case, with its onboard UART's ... imagine being able to use PICO8 on PocketCHIP to write MIDI programs. This would make PICO8 an amazing system to use to write, for example, a GUI for external synthesizers .. or a MIDI sequencer .. etc.

+1 for MIDI support. It's the standard for anyone who makes electronic music. PICO-8 could be a really amazing interactive synth. Would love a tutorial if someone ends up building it :)

jozanza: I'll be using my PocketCHIP for MIDI hacking, so for sure I'll work something out ..

I realise it's a bit of a pipe dream / niche interest, but I'd also love to see MIDI input and output added to PICO-8. But then, I'm very biased, I'm already prototyping a sequencer in PICO-8, which I realise most people won't have much interest in doing!
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