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Cart #picocalendar-2 | 2024-06-02 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

PicoCalendar (work in progress)

This is PicoCalendar - a minimalistic calendar with annotation features. Just click a date and let your thoughts flow!

You can try it with load #picocalendar. Enjoy!

> At time of writing, day numbers are off and text editing doesn't work in the web version :(

Technical thoughts

  • This app creates a .txt file for each clicked date, and then opens the default text editor with open.lua
  • To make footprint smaller, I should clean empty files at some point...
  • Working with dates is way harder than I thought. Code is not clean and sometimes awkward. I feel it would have been easier with os.time to work with numeric timestamps rather than with strings.



  • Hardcode colors instead of using current theme (more predictable aspect)


  • Fix crash in web player


  • Initial release

I like this.
By the way, if you change to a self-made theme, the characters on the calendar and marks indicating that text has been entered may disappear.
I think it's okay to set the app's own colors without using the theme's colors.


Thank you for the feedback @sugarflower!
In 0.1.2, I've hardcoded the colors as constants so it should be easy to customize :)


Thanks for responding. Sounds good!


Fun fact: roughly 55% of the world's population start their week on a Sunday, 44% on a Monday. 1% on a Saturday.


I live in France where weeks start on Monday. I had no idea that the gap was so small between Monday and Sunday as the start of week. And never heard about Saturday !

I've already planned to add a setting for Monday or Sunday, but I might add an option for Saturday based on your insights @bambus :)

Hi there! the calendar is super cool, thanks so much for making this!

I don't know if this is only an issue on my end but the calendar for the month of January seems to be missing for me entirely, everything else seems to work like a charm, I love using it otherwise, kudos!

Thank you @whatthejones! I had troubles with dates so it does not surprise me :( I don't know what is related to Picotron or Lua. Anyway it would need further work to make it more reliable.

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